Credit Score Requirement Cheat Sheet

I wanted to give you a cheat sheet for all of the credit score minimums I have found and notes for all the various revolving and non-revolving credit you can get. As with most pages here expect this to update over time.

Currently 67% of Americans have a “good” FICO score (670 or higher) and 62.5% of Americans have a “good” VantageScore. The average FICO score in the US is 716, and the average VantageScore credit score is 695, both of which are considered “good” credit scores.

In case you didn’t know the category breakdowns for prime ratings here they are.


InstitutionWhat Bureau They PullBureaus They Report ToNotes
Affinity FCU Ex F8Double dip on HPs for 30 days
American ExpressExperian Biz, SBFESBFEUsers report it doesn't get picked up to big 3
Amex Amazon Business Credit CardEx680+ on personal
824/ $5500 EX GA
704 NO EX CA
738/ $3000 EX IL
744/$25,000 EX FL
612 NO EX NY
Bank of AmericaSBFE
Bankers Healthcare Group- BHGSP, PGNonebacked by Blue Ridge Bank now- relationship helps
BHG MORE Business MastercardSP, PG$8k 720s
Brex Credit CardNo HP, No PGBased on business banking history
Minimum of $100k in biz bank account, if accredited investor is behind you only needs $50k in business bank account
Capital OneAll 3 personalD&B, Experian, SBFE
Capital On TapSP Experian personal and bizExperian, SBFEBased on business banking history
Less than 1 year old, $30k revenue
Issued by Webbank
Need bank statements, EIN
ChaseD&B, Equifax, Experian, SBFE
CitibankD&B, Equifax, Experian, SBFE
CitizensSP Equifax BizEquifax, Paynetstay away from Real estate or Healthcare NAICS
Citizens Bank- Everyday Points Business MastercardPersonal 780 FICO 8
80 paydex, 451 EQ biz
$35k (LLC in FL)
CorpayEx$10k + monthly rev
Credit Strong-Credit Builder AccountNo HPEquifax, PaynetEIN required, been in business 3 months or more
Not avail in FL
Reports as $10k Tradeline
DiscoverD&B, Equifax, Experian
DivvyNo HP, No PGD&B and SBFEGets syndicated out to Experian and Equifax
Underwrites you off Imex analyzing your business history, limited history will NOT be approved
GM Business CardSP personal Eq Fico 9SBFE, Experian BusinessHearing issues of cards getting locked down on any old purchase
Doesn't report to personal
$5k @ 21.49%
$17.5k 800s
Paypal Business MastercardEx personalIssued by Webbank
PNC Business VisaHP EX FICO 8Equifax 680+ personal
Popular BankTU personalPersonal Bureaus
Ramp Capital No HPIssued by Sutton Bank and Celtic Bank
Minimum of $250k in biz bank account
Rural King Harvest BusinessEx³Business must be located within a 50-mile radius of a Rural King store to be eligible for a Business Loan or Harvest Visa Business credit card
Sams Club MastercardNo HP, No PG
Experian Intelliscore
Have to go into store to apply
Low risk rating and Experian intelliscore 76+
Issued by Synchrony
Tillfull Secured Credit CardNo HP, No PGExperian, Equifax, D&B$500 Min
Full Video
No annual fee
No affect on personal credit
Tilfull Credit BuilderNo HP, No PGExperian, Equifax, D&BMonthly payment of $20-$50, you chose
No annual fee
No affect on personal credit
TorpagoNo HP, No PGBased on business banking history, looking for established businesses
TruistExperian & EquifaxNo docs under $50k
US BankEquifax, D&B, SBFE
US Bank World Elite Business CarddTU FICO 8Equifax, D&B, SBFEGood-great personal credit
Up to $50k CLs
US bank Platinum BusinessTU FICO 8Equifax, D&B, SBFEGood-great personal credit
Wells FargoExperian, SBFEno docs under $50k
Wells Fargo Business Platinum800/$5,000 was SP to TU

We have another resource for basic credit scores and credit score ranges.


You typically need to have a credit score of 620 or higher to get a conventional mortgage, keep in mind that you can still get other types of mortgages with lower scores (eg: FHA loans start at 500 credit score)

Some lenders may offer “subprime” mortgages to prospective borrowers with lower credit scores. A subprime mortgage simply means that the terms of the mortgage are not as good as the terms offered to “prime” (high credit score) borrowers. Subprime mortgages have significantly higher interest rates than prime mortgages. This means that the payments may be significantly higher than for prime mortgages. Often, subprime mortgage loans are adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs). The interest rate on an ARM can rise significantly over time. ​

Read more from the CFPB on subprime and FHA here.

Shortcode here:

Credit CardNational RankBureau & VersionCredit Score How To JoinDatapoints
Abound Credit UnionNo restrictions on who can join, SEGs
Affinity FCU86thEX FICO 8(NJCFE), Connecticut Jump$tart or over 2k other clubs/associations/SEGsPulls FICO 8
More Data
AgFed Credit Union880EqFriends of National Arboretum- $20 one-time
Air Force Federal Credit Union-AFFCUExAirman Heritage Foundation- $25 one-time
Alabama Credit Union280Secret Meals Association- $10 one-time
Alliant Credit UnionEq or TU FICO 8
Pulls Chexsystems
Foster Care To Success- Alliant will pay
Alliant CU-Cashback Visa SignatureEq855/$10000
More info
Allegacy FCU202ndAmerican Consumer Council
Americas Credit Union825thHP- Association of the United States Army- $30 per 2 years
- American Consumer Council
American 1 Credit Union663rdCommunity 1 Cooperative- $3 one-time
American Broadcast Employees FCU1622ndAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: CT, NY, NJ, PA, MA
Small bank, be careful
American Heritage FCU85thHP Ex on membershipKids-n-hope foundation
Amplify CU305thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: TX
Andrews Federal Credit union- AFCUEq/Tu650+American Consumer CouncilJoin American Consumer Council
Plat rewards & Simplicity visa are fair credit-cards
Titanium rewards is good credit
AOD FCU804thEq FICO 5 Mortgage for credit
Eq HP for membership
Pulls Chexsystems
5 or less inq on Chexsystems over last 2 yrs
HP lasts 30 days
Full Video
Arkansas FCU206thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: AR
Ascend Federal Credit Union109thHP on membershipTennessee Nature Conservancy- $25
Baxter Credit Union (BCU)55thPulls TU
SP to join
30 day Double dip HP
786/ $25000 Travel visa
786/ Autoloan @2.14%
More Info
BCU Travel Rewards Signature VisaTU Vantage 3.0766/$5k
Bellco CU43rdEx720+Bellco foundation- $10 one-time722/$10k
POI required
CO only
Fax in your documents, unorganized
Blue Federal Credit Union252ndBlue foundation- $10 dono
Boeing Employee Credit Union- BECU4thTU FICO 8720+720/$2500
More Data
Cadets Federal Credit Union3,507thBlack Rock Historical Society- $20 one-time (9 other membership joining options)
Campus Federal495thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: LA
Campbell FCU1425thAmerican Consumer CouncilUnsure on geo restrictions
Capital Educators Federal Credit Union326thIdaho CapEd foundation- $20 one-time
Centric FCU-CFCU953rdEx530+Based in Louisiana
Chartway Federal Credit UnionEQ FICO 8 or
Pulls Chexsystem
HP for each CD
We Promise Foundation- $10 donoUsing Elan Financial
Chevron Federal Credit Union72ndEqOver 2,000 organizationsNo HP for membership
Christian Community Credit Union480thPulls ChexsystemsChristian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO)- annual fee $50 membership fee will be paid for by the Credit Union for the first year.Using Elan Financial
Clark County Credit Union387thKNPR (public radio), bank will pay initial $40 dono for 1 year
Common Wealth One FCU689thHP on membershipAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: VA, MD, DC, NC, WV, KY, TN & 200 sponsor groups
Community Credit Union- CFCU305th5 NY counties only
Community First Credit UnionEq/Tu
Community Wide Federal Credit Union556thOver 12 organizations
Connexus Credit union63rdConnexus Association- $5 one-time donoIssued By Elan Financial
Full Video
Consumers Credit Union134thEq
HP Eq on membership
Consumers Cooperative Association- $5 one-time donoGot a TU HP in KS in our data
Coreplus Credit Union939thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: CT
Small bank be careful
Credit Human Credit UnionAmerican Consumer Council
Credit Union Of New Jersey792ndHP on membership- CUoNJ foundation- $5 one-time dono
- American Consumer Council
No geo restrictions
Credit Union of Texas- CUTX 181st EqMembership based on location (17 counties in TX), SEGs
Department of Commerce FCU501stPulls Chexsystems
HP on membership
American Consumer CouncilNo geo restrictions
Digital Credit Union- DCU21stEQ9
EQ4 credit cards
Pulls Chexsystems
640+- Reach out for schools- $10
- American Consumer Council
Eq 647/$3500
More Info

DTI very important here
Dover Federal Credit Union619thExFriends of Bombay hook- $15 annualOffers prequal for members
Dow Chemical Employees Credit Union214thDCECU members endowed scholarship fund- $10 dono
EFCU Financial466thEFCU financial foundation, Louisiana Wildlife Federation
Elevations Credit Union126thElevations foundation- $15Based in Boulder CO
Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union/Liberty Federal Credit Union114thpulls Chexsystem
SP Eq for membership
Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association $5 dono
Ask for full docs on business loan products
Changed names to Liberty in late 2022
Expedition Credit Union1,170thUnited Educators Foundation $5 membershipSmall bank be careful
Farmers Insurance FCU310thAmerican Consumer Councilno geo restrictions
Financial Partners Credit Union196thAmerican Consumer Councilno geo restrictions
Financial Resources Federal Credit Union664thAmerican Consumer Council
First Flight Federal Credit Union1,184thSeveral dono options $5-$10 one-time
First Tech Credit Union- FCU9thHP Ex for membership
pulls Chexsystem
Financial fitness association - $8 742 FICO $10k limit choice rewards (app right after joining)
750 FICO Experian, $25k limit
756 FICO Experian $30k
701 FICO $10k @ 14%
More Data
Founders Federal Credit Union101stTU FICO 8SCGeo Locked: counties in SC, SEGs
Garden State FCU2705thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: NJ, SEGs
Smallest bank I have seen, probably avoid
Garden Savings FCU816thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: NY NJ PA & 170 SEGs
Genisys Credit Union87thArthritis Foundation, Paint creek center for the arts
GE Credit Union 1,082ndEQ FICO 8Georestricted to counties in KY, IN, OH680/$8700
Golden 1 CU7thEx700+719, 777
More Info

Must be a resident of CA to get credit
Great River FCU913thHP on membershipAmerican Consumer CouncilNo geo restrictions
Greater Texas Federal Credit Union - GTFCU436thEx620+Lots of eligibility options
Greenstate Credit Union18thEQ or TU FICO 8700+American Consumer CouncilMore Data
GTE FinancialHP on membershipCU savers- arm of GTE financial- $10
Hanscom Federal Credit Union246thEX FICO 2 Mortgage scoreAir Force Association- $20
Hiway Credit Union270thAssociation of the United States Army, Minnesota Rec & Park foundation- $10 dono
Hope Federal Credit Union 690thHope Credit Union- $5 one-time dono
Hope Enterprise Coporation- $5 one-time dono
Must do both
Hughes Federal Credit UnionOne-time dono to community interest group
Ideal Credit Union429thPulls chexsystemJohn D Miller Foundation- $5 one-time donoUsing Elan Financial
IH Credit Union870thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: OH, IL, MI, WV
Interior Federal Credit UnionPulls chexsystem
HP On EQ for membership but can re-use HP
New Mexico Wildlife Federation at no cost or be a volunteer at a National Park one time for at least three hours
Jovia Financial CU97thTU FICO 4 (mortgage score)CrossState Credit Union FoundationNo geo restrictions
Used to be NEFCU
Gives out V4 scores
Justice Federal Credit Union- JFCU432ndPulls Chexsystem
HPs last 90 days
Requires POI- Paystubs
Prime +National Sheriff's Association or the National Native American Law Enforcement AssociationUsing Meridian Link
Keypoint FCU266thExCA OnlyGeo Locked: CA counties only
Kinecta Federal Credit UnionInnovision Society- $10 one-time Kinecta coversCA & 200 SEGs
La Capitol Federal Credit Union568thLouisiana Association for Personal Financial Achievement; dues are $20 per household for the first year
Lafayette Federal Credit Union269th- Home Ownership Financial Literacy Council- $10 one-time
- American Consumer Council
Lake Michigan Credit Union - LMCUHP Ex membership720+Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Foundation- $5 one-time donoMore info
Langley FCU69thEq FICO 9
Pulls Chexsystem
SP for membership
Anyone can join with $5 deposit in Shared savings accountFull Video
Langley FCU Signature Cash Back card69thEq748/$5k/2nd card
Latino Credit Union462ndLatino community development center- $10 one-time dono
No credit check for CD
Life Credit UnionAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked to TN
Listerhill Credit Union341stAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: FL, AL, GA, MI, TN
Logix Federal Credit UnionHP Ex membershipAmerican Consumer CouncilUsing MeridianLink
Geo locked: AZ, CA, MA, MD, ME, NH, NV, or VA
Maine Savings FCU604thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: ME, SEGs
Max Credit Union 239thEX FICO 8Geo Locked: AL, GA
Market USA Federal Credit Union1,558thMarket USA cares foundation- $5 one-time dono
Matadors Community Credit Union921stCSUN arts council- $5 one-time dono
McCoy Federal Credit Union460th676/$10000 BK 2012, $150k income
Based in Orlando
Michigan State University Federal Credit Union 44thDesk drawer fund- $10 one-time dono
MidFlorida Credit UnionEX FICO 8FLGeo Locked: counties in FL only
Mobility Credit Union854thHP on membershipAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked to TX
Money One Federal Credit Union1,729thGifts for Easter Seals- $20 one-time donoMD & 100 SEGs
Small bank be careful
MTC Federal Credit Union1,097thSouth Carolina Koi and Water Garden Society- $25 annually
Municipal Credit UnionEX FICO 8NY OnlyGeo Locked: Employees of NY State, Hospitals etc
NASA Federal Credit Union88thEx HP on membership
Will ask you to unfreeze
735+National Space Society- $25 annually686/$15000
Has pre-approval, not very accurate
Will ask for copy of original SS card on CDs and some apps
Navy Federal Credit Union-NFCU1stEX, TU on New apps
EQ, TU on CLIs
650+Military, family Full NFCU playlist
Uses Vantage Credit Vision for CLIs
Navy Federal Credit Union-Go Biz Visa1stHP Ex FICO 8LLC 6.5 months old 760/$7500 @ 10.65%
Navy Federal Credit Union-Go Biz Mastercard1stHP Ex FICO 8LLC 1.5 years old, 752, $15k @ 10.65%
LLC 6.5 months old 760/$7500 @ 10.65%
NIH Federal Credit UnionPulls Chexsystems
Eq FICO 5 mortgage HP on Membership
American Consumer Council
Have to setup Shared savings with $5
No geo lock, no HP
join through American Consumer Council
NIH Federal Credit Union Visa Business Rewards Credit CardNo HPMin $5k CL
$25k+ limits with seasoned accounts (deposit on account opening) then groom for 6-12 months
Northrop Grumman Federal Credit Union290thEx for credit
Pulls Chexsystem
720+ on loans
750+ on credit cards
Northwest Federal Credit Union99thNational Wildlife Federation- $30 one-time
Nova Credit Union1644thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: NC
Nusenda Credit Union104thHP on membership
New Mexico Wilderness Alliance ($35 membership fee)
NuVision Federal Credit Union137thPulls ChexsystemsAmerican Consumer Council
Ohio University Credit Union/OUCU Financial Credit Union738thOhio University Friends of the Libraries- $20 (8 others)
Oklahoma Central Credit Union577thaffiliation with any other credit union
Oklahoma Community CU1218thGeo Locked to OK
Palmetto Citizens FCU344thEQ FICO 5 MortgageSCGeo Locked: counties in SC
Parda Federal Credit Union1,172ndHP Ex for MembershipAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: MI IL PA
Patelco Credit UnionHP EX FICO 8720+Financial Fitness Association778/$10k @ 6%APR
More info
Pathways Financial CU641stAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: KY, OH & 400 Sponsor Companies
Pen Air Credit Union182ndSP on membershipNavy-Marine Corps Relief Society Inc- Pen Air covers it
PenFed Credit UnionEq FICO 9
Double dip HP if done online, day after 1st approval
Military, family714/$1200
712/$31000 autoloan

Max exposure of $50k
Max card limit $25k
PenFed Platinum Rewards Eq FICO 9696/$6000
729/$12500 pulled FICO 9
PenFed Power Cash RewardsEq FICO 9700/$10000
654/$2500 BK 2017
831/$25k/ online app/no poi
PenFed Travel RewardsEq FICO 9712/$5000
Pennsylvania State Employees Credit Union- PSECU34thEx FICO 8
HP for membership (good for 30 days)
Lowest was 645
Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society- $20 one-time PSECU covers half780/$30000/ App'd with no membership, took couple days
Membership based
Give you offers right away
Pinnacle Federal Credit Union1,767thAmerican Consumer Councilno geo restrictions
Pioneer Valley CU1490thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: MA, NH, NY, RH, VE
Police & Fire FCU34thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: DE, PA, NJ & over 400 SEGs
Premier Members Credit Union273rdImpact on Education - $50 minimum
Puerto Rico Federal Credit Union1,274thMuseo de Arte de Ponce en Puerto Rico- $25
Quorum FCU391st
HP on membershipAmerican Consumer Councilno geo restrictions
Randolph-Brooks Federal Credit Union- RBFCUEX Vantage 4
Pulls Chexsystems
American Consumer Council
Military affiliation
Unsure if can join from out of state.
Redwood Credit UnionEQ5
SP on membership
California residents only
Redstone FCU42ndEX FICO 8
Pulls Chexsystem
Military affiliationGeo Locked: counties in AL, TN, 1500 groups
REV FCU401st
American Consumer Councilno geo restrictions
RTN Federal Credit Union418thDanvers Historical Society- $40
Salal Credit Union347thSalal Foundation
Peoples memorial asociation
Sandia Laboratory FCU122ndSP EX on membership
Pulls Chexsystems
American Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: CA, NY AZ, CO, TX, NM & 300 Companies
San Diego County Credit UnionFinancial Fitness Association
Santa Clara County FCU445thAmerican Consumer Council
SCE Federal Credit Union425thCenter for Financial Empowerment- $10 one-time dono
Scient FCU905thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: MA CT NY RI
Small bank be careful
Security Services Federal Credit Union- SSFCUTu
Pulls Chexsystems
650+Geolocation basedUses TU Credit Vision Scoring Model
Asks for POI
Self Help Credit Union 218thCenter for Community Self-Help- $5 one-time
Service Credit UnionEX FICO 2 mortgageAmerican Consumer CouncilNo geo restrictions
Seven Seventeen CU294thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked to OH
Sharonview FCU253rdAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: NC, SC, GA, TN, VA & 100 companies
Signature Federal Credit Union840thEqAmerican Consumer CouncilBased in Virginia
Skyone Federal Credit UnionHP EX
Skypoint Federal Credit Union1211thEqGeorestricted to VA
Southern California Credit Union CUSOCAL162ndPulls Exgeo restricted
Spectra Credit Union651st ExAmerican Consumer Council Issued By Elan Financial
Full Video
Spectra Credit Union Business CardTu775/$20k
Spectrum Credit UnionPull ChexsystemsFinancial Fitness Association
Spire Credit Union215thHP Eq on membershipInSPIREation Foundation
Stanford Federal Credit Union105thEX FICO 8Museum of American Heritage
State Department Federal Credit Union149thEX FICO 2 mortgageAmerican Consumer Council
State Employees Credit Union - NCSECU407thEq FICO 5
Pulls Chex Systems
SECU foundationNo geo restrictions
30 day HP, multi-dip
Pre-approvals good for 60 days
SECUMD- State Employees Credit Union62ndEQ FICO 5 mortgageOpen membership
State Employees Credit Union - NCSECU Business Credit Cards407th680+ personal2 years biz financials
Registered in Maryland
Get checking account first
Sun East Federal Credit Union482ndPull Chexsystems
HP for membership
Sun East Charitable Foundation- $10 one-time
SunWest Credit Union657thSunWest foundation- $5 one-time dono
Superior Choice Credit Union506thAmerican Consumer CouncilNo geo restrictions
Taleris Credit Union2,150thPublic Animal Welfare Society $5- one-time
Seven Hills Historical Society- $5 one-time
Tampa Bay Federal Credit Union824thPrime time club- $5 one-time
Teachers Federal Credit Union25thopen membership
Technology Credit Union83rdFinancial Fitness Association
The Police Credit Union404thAmerican Consumer Council
Thrivent Federal Credit Union485thAmerican Consumer Council
Transportation FCU1054thHP on TU or EQ for membershipAmerican Consumer Council
True Sky CU468thAmerican Consumer Council
Truliant FCU92ndAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: GA, NC, SC, TN, VA & 1600 SEGs
TruWest Credit Union299thHP EX membershipAmerican Lung Association- $15 one-time donoUsing Elan Financial
Twinstar CU192ndEX FICO 8WAGeo Locked: counties in WA, OR
Unify FCU102ndEX FICO 2 mortgage
HP Ex each app
SP credit on membership
Pulls Chexsystems
Surfrider Foundation of the Friends of HobbsOffers Prequal NowMore Data
Union Square CU603rdAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: TX, OK
United Nations Federal Credit Union- UNFCU37thEX FICO 8United Nations Association of the USA ($25 membership fee) or Friends of Kilimanjaro Initiative ($10 yearly membership fee)
United States Senate Federal Credit Union353rdUS Capitol Historical Society- $65
American Consumer Council
Geo Locked: DC, VA
University Federal Credit Union108thPulls ChexsystemsAmerican Consumer CouncilNo geo restrictions
University of Kentucky FCU318thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked to KY
University of Michigan Credit Union-UMCU330thTu718/$20k
UniWyo FCU720thPulls ChexsystemsAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked: WY, CO
USF FCU390thAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked to FL,
Can join ACC here:
Backend is Meridian Link
Utah First Federal Credit Union484th Community Volunteers of Utah- $5 dono annual
Veridian CU47thTU Vantage 3donate $5 to Habitat for Humanityno geo restrictions
Vermont State Employees CUAmerican Consumer CouncilGeo Locked to VT
Vision Financial Federal Credit Union2,321stNorth Carolina Consumers Council- $20
Wheelhouse Credit Union786thHP on membershipSan Diego County Zoological Society
San Diego Automotive Museum
Wings Financial Credit UnionWings Financial Foundation
Workers Credit Union158thFinancial Fitness Association
Wright-Patt Credit Union- WPCUTu685/$5k
OH residents only
Xcel Federal Credit Union1,313thAmerican Consumer CouncilMust fund $5 savings
Zeal Credit Union507thCSI Support and Development Services- $2 one-time

Auto Loans​

66% of people approved for car loans have a credit score of 661 or higher which is prime and super prime. 

34% of people had a 501-660 and less than 2% had a score below 500. 

The average APR for an auto loan on a new car is 7.09%, whereas the average APR on a used car is 10.91%.

Data according to Experian Q3 2021. 

According to that same report on auto financing, the average interest rate for a non-prime borrower (300-660 credit score) for a new or used car is 12.46%, whereas the average APR given to prime borrowers (661-850 credit score) is just 3.82%. 

That is 3 times the amount of APR! 


Bank/InstitutionPersonal or BusinessLocation & States SupportedSiteNotes
1st source bankIN, MIHeadquartered in South Bend, Indiana, 81 locations in IN, MI
21st Century BankMinneapolis
Abby BankWisconsin
Air Force Academy Federal Credit UnionColorado, veterans
Alden Credit Union
Allegiance Credit UnionOklahoma
Alliance Credit UnionMissouri
All South Federal Credit Union South Carolina
American Riviera BankCalifornia Santa Barbara, California
American Savings BankHawaii
Ameris BankGeorgia, Alabama, FL, NC, SC, Virginia, Maryland, TN full service locations
Amplify Credit Union Texas
Anderson Brothers Bank
Associated Bank
Astera Credit UnionMichigan
Atlantic Union BankMaryland, Virginia, North Carolina
Banc of CaliforniaCalifornia
Bank Five NineWisconsin
Bank of AlbuquerqueNew Mexico
Bank of Clarke CountyVirginia
Bank of Oklahoma
Bank Of TennesseeTennessee
Bank of TexasTexas
Bank of UtahUtah
Banner Federal Credit UnionArizona
Bay Coast BankMassachusetts, Rhode Island
Beacon Credit UnionIndiana
Bell BankArizona, Minnesota, North Dakota
Bethel College
Bremer BankMinnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin
Broadway BankLocated in TX, doesn't seem geo restricted
Buckeye State BankOhio
Busey BankIndiana, Illinois, Missouri, Florida
Byrn Mawr Trust CompanyPennsylvania
Camden National Bank
Capital City BankFlorida, Georgia, Alabama
Capital Credit UnionWisconsin
Carter Bank & Trust
CCF BankWisconsin, Minnesota
Central Pacific BankHawaii
Centricity Credit UnionMinnesota
Centris Federal Credit UnionNebraska, Iowa
Centreville BankRhode Island
Charlotte State Bank & TrustPort Charlotte, FL
Chevron Federal Credit Union
Choice Bank
Citizens Business Bank in Ontario, California
Columbia Bank
Cornerstone BankNorth Dakota, South Dakota
Commercial Banking Company- CBCSouth Georgia
Comerica BankCalifornia, Arizona, Texas, Florida, Michigan
Community Banks of Colorado Colorado
Community Bank Of Pleasant HillPleasant Hill, Missouri
Community First Credit Unionhttps://https//
Copper State Credit Union
Deer Valley Credit Union
Canyon State Credit Union
Arizona 3 banks the same, just DBAs
Desert Financial Credit Union (Arizona)Arizona
Eastern BankMassachusetts Branches all in MA
Emprise BankKansas
ENT Credit UnionColorado
Envision Bank Massachusetts
Ephrata National Bank ENB
F&M Bank (Farmers and Merchants)California
Finex Credit union
First America Bank
First Class Community Credit UnionIowa
First County BankFairfield County, Connecticut
First Financial Northwest Bank
First National Bankhttps//
First National Bank TexasArkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona
First State Bank of Florida KeysFlorida
First National Bank of WaterlooIllinois
Flagstar BankMichigan, Indiana, California, Wisconsin, Ohio
Flushing Bank
Fulton BankVirginia, Maryland, DC, Pennsylvania
Greater Nevada Credit UnionNevada
Green Belt Bank & Trust Iowa
Guaranty Bank & TrustTexas
Hayward Community Credit UnionWisconsin
Hawaii National Bank
Heartland Credit Union
Highland BankMinnesota
Home Federal BankTennessee
Horizon BankIndiana, Michigan
Independent BankMichigan
Incredible BankWisconsin
Intrust BankKansas
Johnson Financial GroupWisconsin
Liberty BankConnecticut
Liberty Bank MinnesotaMinnesota
Liberty Bay Credit Union
Meriwest Credit UnionCalifornia
Merrimack Valley Credit UnionMassachusetts
Midland States Bank
Mid Penn BankPennsylvania
MIT Federal Credit UnionMassachusetts
NBT Bank
NRL (Naval Research Lab) Federal Credit UnionDC, Virginia, Maryland
New Millennium BankNew Jersey, New York, Georgia
Nodaway Valley BankMissouri
North Shore Bank
Northside Community BankIllinois
Numark Credit Unionhttps://https//
Ocean First Bank
Oklahoma Central Credit UnionOklahoma
Park National BankOhio
Pawtucket Credit UnionRhode Island
People's United BankConnecticut
PCSB BankNY branches, sub of PCSB Financial Corporation
Pikes Peak Credit UnionColorado
Premier BankOhio, Indiana, Michigan
Prevail BankWisconsin
Public Service Credit UnionMichigan
QNBQuakertown PA
Radius BankMassachusetts
Raymond Federal Bank
Renasant BankMississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida
Rockland TrustMassachusetts, Rhode Island
Sandy Spring Bank
Security BankMinnesota
Spectra Credit Union Maryland, Virginia
Spencer Savings Bank SLANJ
Sharonview Federal Credit UnionNC, SC
TBK Bank
Texas People’s United Bank
The Napoleon State BankNapoleon, IN
TompkinsNew York
Traditions BankAlabama
Twin River BankIdaho, Washington
Umpqua BankOregon Portland Oregon
Unity Bank
U.S. Employees Credit UnionUS government employee and retiree
Valley Communities Credit UnionWisconsin
Valley National BankNew Jersey, New York, Florida, Alabama
VerabankEastern, Central TX
Webster Bank
WesbancoWest Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio

Lenders will use your credit score/prime rating to determine not only the APR you get but also the loan length aka term your loan will be. They do this because the lower the score and rating the higher risk you are considered in their eyes. 

Credit Cards​

As with any type of credit product a lower score will get you lower limits, higher APRs and you will probably NOT get any sort of SUB (sign up bonus). Your accounts in the below prime categories will get less CLIs and be at higher risk of decreased CL and account closure. 

I want to share a lot more data here to drive home the point, its not so simple of this score will get you this card etc. By you looking over the data below you will see the patterns, so depending on what group your credit score falls into, you can set better expectations. 


PhotoCredit CardSign up BonusRegular APRCashbackAnnual FeeDatapoints
Freedom Unlimited$200 + 5% on groceries up to $800 TCB0% intro APR on purchases for 15 months than 18.74%-27.49%5% on travel
3% dining
1.5% unlimited
Freedom Flex$200 + 5% on groceries up to $800 TCB0% intro APR on purchases for 15 months than 18.74%-27.49%5% cb up to $1500
5% on travel
3% dining,drugstores
1% on other purchases
Freedom Student$5018.74% variable1% on purchases$0
Slate Edge0% APR + lower My Chase Plan fees0% intro APR on purchases for 18 months than 18.74%-27.49%$0
Sapphire Preferred60,000 bonus points19.74%-26.74% 5x points on travel
3x points on dining
2x points on other travel
Sapphire Reserve60,000 bonus points20.74%-27.74%10x points on hotels, car rental
5x points on flights
Amazon Prime Rewards$100 Amazon gift card17.99%-25.99%5% on foods
2% on restaurants/gas stations
1% on other purchases
Amazon Rewards$50 Amazon gift card17.99%-25.99%3% on foods
2% on restaurants/gas stations
1% on other purchases
Blue from American Express23.99%1x points on eligible purchase$0
Delta Skymiles Platinum American Express15,000 bonus miles15.74% to 24.74%3x Miles on delta purchases
3x Miles at hotels
2x Miles on dining
2x Miles on U.S. supermarkets
2x Miles on other purchases
Delta Skymiles Reserve American Express5,000 bonus miles & 5,000 MQMs15.74% to 24.74%3x Miles on delta purchases
1x Miles on other purchases
Delta Skymiles Gold American Express15.74% to 24.74%2x Miles on dining
2x Miles on U.S. supermarkets
2x Miles on delta purchases
1x Miles on other purchases
Delta Skymiles Blue American Express10,000 bonus miles15.74% to 24.74%2x Miles on dining
2x Miles on delta purchases
1x Miles on other purchases
Hilton Honors American Express Surpass180,000 Hilton Honors bonus points15.74% to 24.74%12x points on Hotels & Resorts
6x points on dining
6x points on U.S. supermarkets
6x points on Gas
3x points per $1
Hilton Honors American Express Aspire150,000 Hilton Honors bonus points15.74% to 24.74%14x points on Hotels & Resorts
7x points on select travel
7x points on dining
3x points per $1
Hilton Honors130,000 Hilton Honors bonus points15.74% to 24.74%7x points on Hotels & Resorts
5x points on dining
5x points on U.S. supermarkets
5x points on Gas
3x points per $1
Marriott Bonvoy Brillant American Express75,000 Marriott Bonvoy Bonus Points & Up to $200 CB at US restaurants15.74% to 24.74%6x points on hotels
3x points on dining
3x points on flights
2x points per $1

Here is a quick look at store credit card APRs, up to 2021. 

Average Credit Line On New Accounts


InstitutionAPR & FeesCashbackHard Pull?Reports As/What is itDeposit/Credit LimitReport To All 3?Notes
Open Sky17.39%
$35 AF
NoNoCredit Card$200-$3000
Secured cc
Capital One17.24%-24.49%
0-$95 AF
1%-1.5%Yes (All 3)Credit Card$200-$600Yes
Petal 1&212.99%-29.49%1%-10%YesCredit Card$300-$5k Petal 1
$300-$10k Petal 2
YesBacked by Web bank
Pull on Fico 9
SP till accept the offer
Deserve EDU
& Pro
15.99-22.99%1%-3%YesCredit CardTu, Ex
Avant Bank24.99-29.99%
$0-$59 AF
NoYes (EX)Credit Card$300-$1,000 LimitsYesPrequal for this cardPrequal for this card
$0 Fraud Liability
Backed by Webbank
SoFi12.99%-24.99% APR
12.99%-24.99% BT + $10 or 5%
26.99% CA + $10 or 5%
$0 AF
up to $39 LF

2% unlimitedYesCredit Card$1,000+YesFull termsFull terms
Redeem CB in crypto
Softpull till you accept the offer
Full Suite of products
Tomo0% APR
$0 AF
1%NoCredit Card$100-$10,000 LimitsYesWeekly autopay
No credit score/history required
Cannot carry a balance, PIF each Monday
Cannot reapply if denied
Upgrade8.99% - 29.99%
$0 AF
$0 FTF
1.5%-3%YesCredit Card$500-$50,000 LimitsYesThey offer 4 cards with different CBs only
3% CB unlimited on categories
1.5% CB unlimited on payments
1.5% CB bitcoin on payments
They make it hard to find additional fee info
Pulls Fico 9
Jasper15.49% - 24.99%
$0 AF
1% unlimited
1% additional per referral up to 6%
Yes (EX)Credit Cardup to $15,000YesCLOSED DOWN
Chime0% APR
$0 AF
$0 LF
NoNoCredit CardDirect deposit
No min
YesChime checking account required
VaroMoney0%NoNoCredit Cardup to $10,000Yes
Go2Bank Secured Credit Card22.99%
26.99% CA + $10 or 5%
$0 AF
3% FTF
up to $39 LF
NoNoCredit Card$100 MinYesBased off direct deposits
Free Equifax VantageScore
Used to be GreenDot
Full termsFull terms
OneFinance0%NoNoCredit Cardno limitNo
Grow Credit0%
$1.99-$9.99 p/m fee
NoNoVirtual card/credit builder$17-$150YesPay subscription services
Free Fico Score
Membership based
Grain15% APR w/autopay
17.99% without
5% of minimum payment or $4 LF
NoNoLine of creditUp to $1,000Yes15% APR with auto payment
5% of minimum payment or $4 LF
Seedfi Credit Builder0-5.26% APR
$1 p/m fee
NoNoInstallment Loan$10 Min monthlyYesCLOSED DOWN
Self Inc Credit Builder24.99%NoNoInstallment loan$100 Min
Secured cc
YesOffers a Secured Visa CC only after 3 months of paying on installment loan
You pay in monthly, no access to funds
Credit Strong5.8%-14.4%
$8.95 AF
NoNoInstallment Loan$1,000-$10,000YesYou pay in monthly, no access to funds

The median CLI in 2020 was $1500 compared to $2,000 in 2019. The biggest drop was in the prime category during 2020 the median CLI dropped from $1550 to $1,000.

Application Volume & Approvals​

In short, subprime and deep subprime apply more often and get less approvals, while prime apply less and get more approvals. Super prime is applying a lot and getting a high approval rate.


Look at the chart below you will see subprime and deep subprime, overpaying in fees as well. This is late fees, annual fees, balance transfer fees, cash advance fees, debt suspension fees and other. Understand 99% sits in late fees! 

Overall the data is showing that for the most part credit card APRs are going down from 2019 (20.6% ) to 2020 (19.2%). Keep in mind that below prime can still expect to pay upwards of 29% APR on your CreditOne, Capitalone and similar deep subprime cards.

Personal Loans​

Personal loans is a little bit different as you can put up collateral or secure a loan if you fell into the subprime or deep subprime. 


LenderBest ForMin. Credit ScoreBureau They PullEst. APRMin LoanMax Loan
AvantRange of repayment options580 FICO
550 Vantage
Lending ClubMarketplace size600Transunion7.04%–35.89%$1,000$40,000
Onemain FinancialSecured Loans620+Experian18%–35.99%$1,500$20,000
UpgradeFast funding620+Transunion5.94%–35.97% (with autopay)$1,000$50,000
UpstartLimited credit history600Transunion FICO 96.76%–35.99%$1,000$50,000

Here is more personal loan data and soft pull pre-qual personal loan offers .

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