Most personal loan and debt consolidation sites do offer a soft inquiry pre-qualification process of some sort and then after you have seen your loan amount and APR rate they will have you confirm and once you have fully accepted the loan (this could be before or after you provide POI and verification) they will hard pull your credit.
Now if you go through the pre-qualification process and they deny you, DO NOT agree to the suggested site they give you, which will do another pre-qual. Most people don’t know this, those are sub-prime providers, aka high interest rates and horrible terms. It’s not even worth it.
Personal loans are still a great way to pay off credit cards and get loan diversity on your credit profile. This usually causes a bump in your score. There are changes in Fico 10 that may change the impact of personal loans but 99% of institutions are still working off of Fico 9 or lower.
Keep in mind the information you will need if you do in fact get approved. Remember they will give you the total loan amount, APR and months to pay it off (terms) and if you decide to accept then they will hard pull your credit. A few of them even allow you to upload all your docs before they hard pull your credit.
Required documentation you should expect them to ask for is going to be
- Full Name
- Address (make sure it matches your public records, if you just moved in last 2 months or so it may cause issues with address verification)
- Phone
- Employment status
- Last 2-6 months of pay stubs
- W2 from at least 2020 if not 2019 as well
- Bank account for auto pay
- Credit cards you want to use for balance transfer (if you choose this)
- Upgrade requires selfie and front/back of drivers license/ID
If you wanted to short cut this entire page and prequal for Avant, Best Egg, Freedomplus, Lending Club, Lending Point, Light Stream, Happy Money, Prosper, Sofi and Upgrade all at one time, you could use this matching tool from Even Financial. Vendors list as of March. 2023.
I think total there is 29 soft pull personal loan options on this page.