Master Credit Card Lender List Master Credit Card Lender List

Master Credit Card Lender List

This is my master lender list of most credit cards in America, which has taken me over a year to put together and update. It started as a very simple list that wasn’t mine and had data on some cards like what bureau they pull from and some had credit scores they liked to see. I took that list and blew it up, spending about 6 or 7 months combing through credit card and FICO forums updating with other data points and expanding on the credit scores.

I really wanted to make this all a one page list but the fact is I have so much more data on certain banks/credit cards that what I did is built out those pages first and they will be linked below under their name. Also as I gather more data on more credit cards, will be creating more in-depth pages, your best option is to bookmark this page.

Also I will start with what I call the ABCs which are the big hitters American Express, Bank Of America, Capital One and Chase, then will breakdown the rest from there. This will be only personal credit cards and personal loans, I will cover business data in future posts.

Bookmark this page as we are constantly updating it, sometimes multiple times per day, this is here to be a resource for you!

Looking for Credit Unions?

Master Credit Card List

Credit CardBureau They PullCredit ScoreData Points
American ExpressEx/Tu690+Definitive Amex Guide
Amex BCPTu812/$30000
Amex EverydayEx750/$6000
Amex Bonvoy BrilliantEx690/$6500 SP
Amex Delta Skymiles GoldEx659/$1000
Amex Delta Skymiles Blue cardEx/Tu770/$1k/25.9% APR/2 Inqs- pulled TU & EX (first card)
Amex Blue Business PlusEx686/$2000
646/$2000/ prequal offer popup
Amex Business PlatinumEx824
Amazon Business Prime (AMEX)Ex824/$5500
Bank of AmericaEq/TU/Ex650+Helps to have banking relationship
BOA Cash RewardsEq/TU650+722/$9k/6 inq TU
3/12 non-account holders
6-7/12 if you have banking relationship
795/$17,500 no previous banking (pulled TU)
BOA- Premium Rewards
BOA- Unlimited Cash Rewards
BOA- Premium Rewards Elite
BOA- Customized Cash Rewards Visa Signature807/$33k on custom cash and premium travel combined
BOA- Platinum Plus Mastercard
BOA- Alaska AirlinesEx824
BOA- Air France KLM MastercardEx769/$5500/ POI required
BOA- Amtrak Guest Rewards Ex778/$13000
BOA- Business Advantage Unlimited Cash Rewards
BOA- Business Advantage Customized Cash Rewards807/$31k
BOA- Business Advantage Travel Rewards WorldEq/TU720+Backdoor phone numbers
BOA-Better Balance Rewards Platinum Plus Mastercard
BOA- Alaska Airlines Business807/$28k
Capital One Eq/TU/Ex580+Definitive Capital One Guide
658/$3k/ 6 recent Charge offs
609/$3k/ BK Sept 21
Capital One Venture XTu750/$10000
Chase BankEx680+750/$10k
Chase AmazonEx750+Backdoor phone numbers
Chase Freedom UnlimitedEx700+766/$26k/15 inq
834/$5000/at max exposure
Chase Freedom FlexEx/Eq680+706/$8500 4/24 15% ut
Chase Ink BoldEx720+Chase has 5/24 rule
Chase Sapphire PreferredEx700+766/$15k/15 inq
786/$12800 FICO 8, Pulled TU & Ex
857/$10,100 Pulled Eq
700/$12500/ Pulled Ex & TU (2nd chase card), instant approval
FICO 8- 756/$5800/25% APR/ 3 inqs
Chase Sapphire ReserveEq804/$16200
Chase Southwest PlusEx750+750/$3500
736/$20000 (3rd card with Chase)
Chase United ExplorerEx720+720/$19k
Chase World Of HyattEx700+700/$5000
Chase Business UnlimitedEx794/ $10k/7inqs
Call and talk to Business relationship manager on business cards
Chase Ink Business PreferredEx690+685/$10k
Business cards
don't report to
CitibankEq/TU720+6 inq in rolling
6 mo period rule
Citibank Custom CashEx/Eq759/$2300
Citibank Double CashEx700+720/$6800
Citibank Rewards +Ex685+
Citibank Diamond PreferredEq850/$18500
Citibank CostcoEq744744/$4k
Citibank Best BuyEq/TuEq 767/$5k
TU 715/$15k
672/$2k/27.9% APR
Citibank Diamond Preferred
Ex720Backdoor Phone numbers
Citibank AA PlatinumEx/Eq720+Ex 720/$6500
Eq 734/$7k
Citibank Home Depot Commercial RevolvingEq695695/$10k
DiscoverEx/Eq640+Backdoor phone numbers & More
Discover ITEx640+647/$750
671/$11000 BK 2017
670/$2k/23.9% APR FICO 8
Discover IT BusinessEx690+Reports to personal credit
Everyone Else
5th 3rd bankTu
Academy BankNO HP on credit builder, secure card that graduates
No geo restrictions
Unsecured require in person (AZ, CO, KS, MO)
Avant VisaEx/TuWeb bank
Bankers Healthcare GroupEx/Tu780/$10k/ no POI/Ex HP
738/$8k/ TU HP
Bank of The WestEx769More Info
Barclay Apple RewardsEx720+
Barclay Wyndham Rewards Earner® Business CardTu834/$17000
Barclay AAdvantage® Aviator® World Elite Business MastercardTu
Barclays Aviator RedTU700/$2000/ instant denied, recon next morning approved
BB&T/TruistEq720+More Info
Definitive Guide
BBVA CompassEx650+biz cc's don't report at all
BMO HarrisTU FICO 8720+Not inquiry sensitive or recent account sensitive.
743/$6,000 15 inquires
Pulls Eq In Canada for CC and Eq, Tu for PLOC
More Info
BMO Harris World Elite Credit CardTU FICO 8760+
Blockfi Rewards (Evolve Bank/Deserv)Ex830/$25000 (max CL offered)
Full Write Up
Bread Financal- Amex co brandEx630/$4500
Charles SchwabSP Eq for membership
Charles Schwab Investor Card- Amex co-brandEx
Comerica BankEx/EqIssued By Elan Financial
Community Bank NA -CBNA Eq/Tu
Citizens BankEqno geo restriction on personal
Citizens Bank- Everyday Points Business MastercardEqPersonal 780 FICO 8
80 paydex, 451 EQ biz
$35k (LLC in FL)
Commerce BankTu771/$9k
Community First Credit UnionEq/Tu
Dell Computer FinanceEx690/$1500
Deserve Credit CardExEvolve Bank & Trust
Pulls Experian
Elan FinancialEx/Eq705/$5400
Fidelity Rewards Visa SignatureEq760/$23500/0% apr 15 mo
Underwritten by Elan Financial
Fidelity Amex Investment RewardsEx720+Underwritten by Elan Financial
Fidelity Investment Rewards VisaEx750+Underwritten by Elan Financial
First National Bank of Omaha- FNBOVideos on them cutting limits 1st video and follow up video
FNBO AmexEx650+less than 6 inq in 3 mo
CLI every 4 statements
FNBO Ducks UnlimitedEx700+703/$8500
More Info
FNBO Evergreen Ex686+Detailed Write up
FNBO Ford Pass VisaEx832/$15k
First Bank & Trust (Mercury Financial Card)Tu620+$2k limit
Gemini Crypto Credit CardExBacked by Web bank
More Info
Goldman Sachs Apple CardTu700+720/$5500
Apply inside wallet app
Pulls FICO 9
Softpull, can lockdown TU and get no HP
CL- $250+
CLIs 6 months
805/$6500/22.24% APR
779/$3k (auto CLI after 1st payment to $6k)
676/$4500/21.9% APR
648/$500/3 baddies
Home DepotEx650+
Home Depot ConsumerEx/Eq/Tu732/$20k
Ex 789/$5k
Tu 793/$50k
Issued By Citibank
Home Depot RevolvingEq709/$10k
Huntington BankPulls Chexsystems
Will pull Eq mortgage on loans
Krowdfit (deserve)Ex740/$7k
Offers prequal
Softpull till you accept offer
M1 Credit CardExBacked by Deserve and Celtic Bank
Nationwide BankPulls Chexsystems
Ollo MastercardTU665/$500/open BK 13
Bank of Missouri
Paypal Cashback MCTu620+622/$300
Paypal Business MastercardEx650+700/$22k
720/$3500 no score LLC
Issued By Webbank
PeoplesBankPulls chexsystem
Petel Visa CardEx640+Backed by Web Bank
Known to ask for bank statements
PNC BankEx750+will accept high inq
CLIs every 6 mos
pull FICO 9
PNC Cash RewardsEx667/$4k
PNC Business VisaEx780/$25000
RBS Citizens BankEq
Regions BankTu769/$18k
Sams ClubEx660+
Sofi MastercardEx800/$12000
Suntrust BankEq/Tu
Pulls Chexsystems
Merged with BB&T, not worth HP
Synchrony Bank (store cards)Tu/Ex580+Store Card List
Synovus BankEQ FICO 9
750+750/$23k/no POI
Pulled Eq mortgage 5/ $8k
Geo Locked
TD BankEx
TD Signature VisaEx700+
T-MobileEq/TuHP on consumer/Business accounts
TU HP on Biz accounts
UMBEq/TuOnly Available in
Upgrade Visa Card (2.2% cb)Tu620+760/$8k No POI
US BankEq/Tu700+1/12
They may pull TU, seems to be geo based
1/12 for new accounts
US Bank Visa PlatinumEq
US Bank Altitude Go VisaEq
US Bank Altitude Go Visa SignatureEq
US Bank Altitude Reserve Visa InfiniteEq
USAA Rate Advantage VisaExExperian BankCard Score 3
734/$6k/14% APR/1 inq
USAA Rewards Visa SignatureExFico 8 727/$13.5k @ 13.65%
Venmo Credit CardTu
Pulls Sage & Innovis
No recon if denied for freeze on Sage/Innovis
More info
Verizon WirelessEx/Eq
Wells Fargo Ex/Tu847/ $50k (Original limit $25k, CLI)
Wells Fargo Active CashEx739/$4000
Wells Fargo Propel AmexEx726/$1500
810/$4k pulled TU
Wells Fargo Platinum720/$10k pulled TU
Walmart Rewards CardEx/Tu/EqIssued by Capital one
Pulls all 3
Web BankEx660+Can ask for bank statements
Issues a lot of cards
Personal Loans
Goldman SachsTu660+668/$25k
POI required
Full write up
prequal soft pull
OneMain FinancialEx620+Prequal soft pull
UpgradeTu620+Prequal soft pull
UpstartTu620+626/$20k/ 7.41% APR
Lending ClubTuFICO 8 668/$6k/12.9% APR

Additional Lender Information

Bank of The West  (Restricted to the West

  • Unsure if they always hard pull
  • The cash back and 0% offers are the major draw here
  • 0% APR for first 6 months on ALL purchase
  • Ongoing APR 17.49-24.49%
  • Heard many first hand accounts that customer service is awful
  • Softpull on CLIs, CLIs after 1 year
  • Additional data points
    • 746 EX/ $3k limit

Discover Phone Numbers & Datapoints

  • New Apps/CLI Specialist 800-347-4856
  • 888-676-3695 (Recon)
  • Can only have 2 Discover credit cards
  • Have to wait 1 yr or more in order to get 2nd card
  • Softpull for CLIs
  • They do offer personal loan products which are pretty good
  • Speaking to a manager will get you higher CLI vs on app or login
  • Business cards report to your personal credit making them not very enticing.
  • They are starting to randomly pull Tax returns through Equifax or 4506 requests, this is affecting new/existing customers

FNBO Ducks Unlimited

  • Will deny you if you have too many Inq within 6 months, less than 3
  • Can get CLI like clockwork every 4 statements & 1 day, usually $3500 or $5000
  • 1.5% cash back on everything, points expire in 5 years
  • Been on a terror in 2022 reducing limits, not uncommon to see a CL go from $30k to $500

Venmo Credit Card

  • Pulls Tu and Sagestream/innovis (frozen sage usually means instant denial though I found one user who was approved back in April with frozen Sage for $5k)
  • No recon if denied for freeze on Sage/Innovis
  • CLIs from support widget inside app, or call the automated number 855-878-6462
  • CLIs after 6-8 months, heard both new limit takes a few hours to reflect in account. Also dont’ try right at 6 month mark, keep in mind that is soonest you can request, not a guarantee

Consumer Finance Accounts

These are going to be the finance companies that break down your purchases into payments, this is a newer trend in the last few years but we are watching as these services get eaten up by big banks and fintechs, so expect this trend of micro-payments to continue. We are going to place these here as I don’t know where else to put these for now.

InstitutionWhat Bureau They PullHP
Regional FinanceEq
Conns Home Pluspulls at random
Bread PaymentsExNo

I want to note that Bread Payments is backed by Comenity Bank and there is no hardpull at all, expect a softpull on Experian.

Business Credit Cards Reporting To Personal Credit Bureaus

A really common question is if a business credit card will report your activity to your personal credit report. Here is a list of big banks and how they report business credit card data.

InstitutionMonthly plansReports AsReports To BureausAdditional Fees/Notes
Self Inc$25/24 months
$35/24 months
$48/12 months
$150/12 months
Installment loanAll 3$9 admin fee
12.44%-15.97% interest rate/APR
Credit Strong$28/48 months
$38/36 months
$48/24 months
Installment loanAll 3$15 admin fee
15.51%-15.73% APR
$1,000-$1,100 tradeline reported
Instant approval
$10/24 monthsInstallment loanAll 3no credit check
instant approval
0% interest/ $0 fee
You're buying courses
30 day refund
KikoffRevolving/InstallmentEq & Ex or Eq & Tuno credit check
0% interest/ $0 Fees
Reports $750 tradeline
Meetava$21 p/mInstallment loanAll 312 month commitment, can't end early
LoqboxInstallment loanAll 30% apr
you pick amount

Capital One- If you opened a Capital One Spark Cash Plus for business card on or after October 20, 2020, Capital One will NOT report all activity to personal credit bureaus- just negative activity. All other Capital One Spark for Business cards report ALL activity to your personal credit.

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