Boeing Employee Credit Union Boeing Employee Credit Union

Boeing Employee Credit Union

BECU (Boeing Employee Credit Union) is headquartered in Tukwila and is the largest credit union in the state of Washington. It is also the 4th largest credit union in the nation. It was established in 1935 and as of December of 2022, it had grown to 2,677 employees and 1,388,742 members at 59 locations.

Membership in BECU is open to anyone through membership in Northwest Credit Union Foundation’s “Friends of the Foundation” ($20 membership fee). Membership is also open to the following: 1) those who live, work, worship, or attend school in the state of Washington; 2) those who live or work in Benton, Clackamas, Columbia, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington, and Yamhill counties in Oregon; 3) current or former Boeing employees, employees of Boeing subsidiaries; 4) members of the University of Washington Alumni Association.

BECU Datapoints:

  • Membership based, instant approval online
  • Pulls Chex to get in
  • No HP for membership
  • 620 min score
  • Pulls TU FICO 8- good for 30 days, people reported getting 3 products (CLI, PL and PLOC)
  • Have to call rep to use existing HP for additional products or it will be another HP
  • HP for CLI
  • Uses Core Logic to verify housing address
  • Secured credit cards to graduate, its same underwriting process so might as well just go for unsecured. You will get another HP when it goes unsecured anyways
  • BK friendly but have to wait at least year after discharge
  • Max exposure across their VISA cards is $40k, but a lot of users report getting auto CLIs in 2021- early 2022, many of them are over $50k now. 
  • A rep confirmed that their policy for the maximum revolving credit they will issue is $40,000 across all Visa products, but there are some exceptions such as the recent CU-issued increases on some existing accounts
  • They have a Financial Crimes department- literally called that, you either get through this easily or its a black hole that you never get out of based on first hand reports
  • A lot of reports of cards and accounts getting locked down by FC department at that point they ask for ID, SSN, 6 months of Paystubs, 2 years of Tax return and utility bill. Basically a conditional approval, seems more common with out-of-state applicants
  • Out of Washington state will have harder time with FC department as well

Recent Video on BECU

Recent Approvals

Had 2 CCs already each with $6000 on them (basically split an original $12k approval)

When first got membership was 695ish, 80% utilization, $85k income

Credit Line Increase from $6000 to $13,500K

Personal Loan of $25,000 with 9.9% Rate

Personal Line of Credit for $10,000 with 12% Rate

*Called 3 separate times to get those 3 products

  • 701 score
  • 10 inq
  • 46% utilization
  • Income $140k
  • Asked for SSN, last 2 yrs W2 & Tax Filing 1040, last 6 months paystubs (yes they asked for the actual tax filing)

Opened account in branch, checking & savings

  • 2 weeks later app’d for both CC and PLOC
  • Approved for $20k SL on Cash Back card
  • Approved for $10k PLOC

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